About Me
Eura "Euphridia" Abrams is the content creator of The Last Rae of Hope. As a character in the novel, she is the original writer of the serialized novel of the same name and granddaughter of President Abrams, owner and operator of Cooperative Universal Publishing.
In real life, Euphridia is a completely made-up pen name with no real meaning, though the creator thought it sounded "quite fancy, like the name of a goddess" and sometimes goes by "Euphy" or "Euphie" for short.
The Story Behind the Story
As a self-proclaimed adult and avid consumer of content, I love fantasy stories. During the pandemic, I felt the need to escape; to write a comedic satire focused on fantasy isekai.
Although satire is, many times, meant to be humorous while also sometimes feeling a little uncomfortable, its greater purpose is to promote critical thinking toward the wider issues it targets, allowing for deeper analysis and, ultimately, the generation of actionable takeaways for continuous quality improvement. To find fault while still embracing opportunities to improve something we all hold dear, whether it be the fantasy tropes we love or the real world we live in, is the ultimate privilege.